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Found 32822 results for any of the keywords police departments. Time 0.011 seconds.
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Police Brutality GTA In Real Life: Police Officer Captured Ramming PoDashcam video shows Arizona police officer in a Tucson suburb, swerving the car around another police vehicle, speeding up and running over a suspect who was carrying a rifle. This incident occurred on February 19th, but
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Blackinton Fire Police Badges InsigniaBlackinton Fire Police Insignia and badges
PFFPNC History Professional Fire Fighters and Paramedics of North CaSelected historical records detailing the initial IAFF charter of The North Carolina Fire Fighters Association, that later became PFFPNC.
How Camden County PD embraced ethical protector trainingAfter the department was essentially disbanded, Chief Scott Thomson implemented training to totally overhaul the police culture
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